It’s...2019 Everyone’s Trans!! with Tom Phelan 

Get ready to witness with your ears the beginning of a beautiful friendship on this week’s episode with perfect guest Tom Phelan! Tom is a gift and Rebecca is so happy he is now legally bound to be friends with her until the day she dies. Tom is telling the story of his formative hot dancer best friend crush “David” and all of the musical theater times they shared PLUS a Serious high school partner whose promposal will leave you truly speechless unless you are singing along because yes there is singing involved. This ep is honestly too jam packed so here’s a lil taste: weird girl + attracted to gay men = I’m a lesbian?, a Lady Bird watching Lucas Hedges sing moment, YOU ARE WHAT YOU WANT, Tom almost does a spit take onto Rebecca, getting all gender-y, Spring Awakening (you love to see it), gay ass fanfic and the people who read it!, cool theater kid representation and will someone please finally explain Glee??? 

Follow Tom on twitter at: @TomPhelan9

Follow Rebecca on twitter at: @AlmondMilkHotel

Follow the show on twitter at: @ClassroomCrush


The Bitch of Living - Spring Awakening 

I Can Do Better Than That - The Last Five Years

Nine in the Afternoon - Panic! At The Disco 

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